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authorWelcome to F for Flavour! A bit about me and the site. I’m Shalini, the author, recipe creator of F for Flavour. My hubby helps in photography. He spares me time in his busy schedule. We both love cooking and trying new recipes. We wanted to share our tried and tested recipes to people who love food and hence this blog. I’m a software engineer turned stay at home Mom and started blogging as a hobby. Cooking is my passion since school days. I have tried many recipes from my mom, aunts, grandmother, cookbooks and cookery shows. I have experimented many recipes and shared with friends. Their feedback and encouragement was one of the reason to save recipes in my blog. I strive to create and share recipes people will enjoy.

What You Find on F for Flavour

Here you’ll find incredibly delicious recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, appetizers, snacks or desserts.  All the recipes which I share are tried, tested and tasted at my kitchen. Many recipes are traditional which are passed down the generations for over many decades. You will definetely get the best results. Here you can find quick recipes for busy days but also special and extravagant recipes for special occasions. The recipes contain Detailed instructions with step by step photos and essential tips for beginners. You can use this recipe index for browsing recipes by categories.

F for Flavour has been featured in Foodgawker, Yummly, buzzfeed, bloglovin and flipboard, among others.

All content here are  subject to copyrights. There is so much work put into each and every post. From recipe planning, cooking, plating, food styling to photography. Do not copy the content and images without giving due credit to my site.

Interested in working with me for recipe development, influencer campaign or a cookbook or product review? Email me at

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